ISO 8434 consists of the following parts, under the general title Metallic tube connections for fluid power and general use:
⎯Part 1: 24° cone connectors
⎯ Part 2: 37° flared connectors
⎯ Part 3: O-ring face seal connectors
⎯ Part 4: 24° cone connectors with O-ring weld-on nipple
⎯ Part 6: 60° cone connectors with or without O-ring sealing
Today this blog will give you a comprehensive introduction about ISO 8434-2 standard.
ISO 8434-2: 37° Flared Connectors
This part of ISO 8434 is based on the US standard ANSI/SAE J514. The threads for the 37° flared connection are unified inch threads in accordance with ISO 263. The inch threads were not changed to metric threads according to ISO 261 to allow connectors complying with this International Standard to be used in existing applications without requiring a change to tube or hose assemblies. Also, the thread-to-nut overtorque and seal performance have been extensively tested; to change to metric threads would require an extensive test program at considerable cost without providing any functional improvement. The threads are integral to themselves, connectors of this type match only to themselves and, other than having metric threads, no value in changing could be found. Major international companies that have used these connectors have adopted the design without noting any problems. All wrench flats specified in this part of ISO 8434 are dimensioned to be used with ISO standard metric wrenches.
ISO 8434-2: Connector Bodies
Bodies shall be manufactured from carbon steel, stainless steels or copper alloys, which will provide the
minimum requirements for the pressure/temperature ratings specified in Clause 5 when tested in accordance with Clause 15. They shall have characteristics that make them suitable for use with the fluid to be conveyed and to provide an effective joint.
ISO 8434-2: Nuts & Sleeves
Nuts to be used with carbon steel bodies shall be made of carbon steel and those for use with stainless steel bodies shall be made of stainless steel unless otherwise specified. Nuts to be used with copper alloy bodies shall be made of a material similar to the bodies.
Sleeves shall be manufactured from a material similar to the bodies.
ISO 8434-2: Pressure/temperature requirements
The working pressure of the connector shall be the lower of the working pressure of the 37° flared connecto connection given in Table 1 and the working pressure of the respective stud end.
Flared connectors in conformance with this part of ISO 8434 made of carbon steel shall meet or exceed without leakage the requirements to the working pressures given in Table 1 when used at temperatures from −40 °C to +120 °C with petroleum base hydraulic fluids.
Connectors made of stainless steel complying with this part of ISO 8434 shall be suitable for use at the working pressures given in Table 1 when used at temperatures from −60 °C to +50 °C.
Pressure derating for connectors made from stainless steel and used at elevated temperatures shall be:
4 % at +50 °C;
11 % at +100 °C;
20 % at +200 °C.
Derating factors for temperatures between these values shall be interpolated.
Copper alloy connectors shall be suitable for use at the working pressures given in Table 1 when used at temperatures from −40 °C to +175 °C.
For applications under conditions outside the pressure and/or temperature limits given in Table 1 and in
5.1 to 5.3, the manufacturer shall be consulted.
Connectors conforming to this part of ISO 8434 shall be tested in accordance with Clause 15 to ensure
that they meet or exceed the pressure requirements given in Table 1.
The pressure/temperature requirements given in Table 1 and in 5.1 to 5.5 are for tube connections and connector bodies only. For port and stud end pressure/temperature ratings, the values in the respective port and stud end standards shall apply.
To achieve these maximum working pressures with a 4:1 design factor, the maximum tube wall thicknesses shown in Table 1 are sufficient. See ISO 10763 to confirm the necessary tube wall thickness for
the specified working pressure.
ISO 8434-2: Dimensions and Design for 37° Connectors
ISO 8434-2: Dimensions of 37° Single Flare For Tubes
ISO 8434-2: Dimensions of 37° Double Flare For Tubes
Hydraxio is a leading manufacturer and supplier of stainless steel ISO 8434-2/SAE J514 37° flare fittings for over 2 decades. We are the perfect supplier for wholesalers, distributors, brand manufacturers or OEMs. Contact us today, let’s discuss in details.