Understanding the Difference: SAE vs. NPT Threads

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    SAE and NPT threads are both vital in the world of fittings and adapters. Yet, their structures, functions, and sealing mechanisms significantly differ. Let’s delve into the details:

    1. SAE Thread Type – Straight Thread O-Ring Boss

    • Design: SAE threads are straight threads. This means the threads don’t taper or narrow down towards the end.
    • Sealing Mechanism: Unlike some threads where the male and female ends crush together to create a seal, the SAE thread relies on an O-ring. This O-ring is the key player in ensuring a watertight connection.
    • Advantages: The design offers high reliability and is reusable, eliminating the need for frequent replacements.

    2. NPT Thread – National Pipe Tapered Threads

    • Design: As the name suggests, NPT threads are tapered. This means the diameter of the thread narrows as it moves toward the end.
    • Sealing Mechanism: Due to the tapered design, NPT threads form a tight seal when pulled together. To ensure a leak-free connection, sealants like PTFE tape or a sealing compound are used.
    • Usage: Commonly found in the US, these threads are the go-to choice for threaded pipes and fittings, especially those carrying hydraulic fluids.
    • Don’t know the difference between NPT and NPTF? Please check out the below link of our previous blog for the NPT and NPTF. https://hydraxio.com/npt-and-nptf/

    Distinguishing Factors:

    • Thread Design: The primary distinction is the thread design. SAE is straight while NPT is tapered.
    • Seal Formation: SAE threads rely on an external element like an O-ring for sealing, whereas NPT threads use their tapered design and a sealant or tape to ensure a tight fit.

    In the realm of stainless steel hydraulic fittings and adapters, understanding the nuances between SAE and NPT threads is crucial. The right choice can affect durability, efficiency, and safety. For an in-depth exploration and expert advice on which to choose, Hydraxio’s sales and engineering team is at your service.

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