Dash Sizes For Hose,Tubing and Fittings

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    Sizing is a crucial element in selecting the right hydraulic hose. It involves understanding the specifications of the hose, tube and hydraulic fittings’ inner diameter, outer diameter, and length. of 4/16″ or we typically call it 1/4″.

    What’s Dash Size?

    People new to the hydraulic industry often ask what hose dash size means. Simply put, a dash size refers to an I.D. of a hydraulic hose or fitting in 1/16″ increments.

    Dash Size For Hoses

    This is a value for Inside Diameter, or I.D. For example, -4 hose would indicate a hose with inside diameter of 4/16″ or 1/4″.

    Dash Size For tubing

    This is a value for Outside Diameter, or O.D. For example, a -06 tube would indicate a tube with an outside diameter of 6/16″ or 3/8″.

    Dash Size For hydraulic fittings

    This is a little different and slightly more complex. In the part number 43-FJX-06-04, which represents6 is the size of the hose size of 3/8″, and -04 is the fitting end connection of 1/4″ JIC female swivel.


    So remember: dash size is the size of hose, tube or hydraulic fittings expressed in sixteenths of an inch. Hoses are measured by inside diameter, and tubes are measured in outside diameter.

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